September 27, 2022
Mill Creek is a beautiful and vibrant stream that flows through the City of Moab, Utah. In addition to providing critical drainage and flood conveyance capacity, the stream is part of the Mill Creek Parkway, a scenic pedestrian corridor that provides access to trails and businesses throughout Moab.
Over the past decades, the community has constructed walkways, trails, and pedestrian bridges along Mill Creek to facilitate access to community venues. Mill Creek has experienced significant flooding and flood damage which has threatened nearby structures, including Woody’s Tavern. The tavern is protected from flooding by a sub-standard retaining wall.
Hansen, Allen & Luce is working with the City to obtain permitting and provide engineering design services to replace the existing retaining wall, protect nearby structures, and stabilize the stream. The project includes stakeholder involvement, land surveying, geotechnical evaluation, stream hydraulic modeling, FEMA regulation compliance, stream alteration permitting, retaining wall design, and document preparation.
“This project will preserve a cultural icon of Moab’s downtown business district while maintaining critical flood conveyance capacity,” said HAL project manager Benjamin Miner, P.E., M.P.A.
To learn more about this and other stream projects, contact Ben Miner, P.E., M.P.A., at