KID would like to extend our thanks and recognition to Hansen, Allen & Luce, Inc., who was the consulting engineer for the [2 MG drinking water tank] project, and to FX Construction, Inc., the general contractor. Both firms provided excellent service and craftsmanship in designing and completing the project.
Kearns Improvement District
Kearns Improvement District
Kearns, Utah
Hansen, Allen & Luce has been a great partner to Bluffdale. The City has made significant progress to improve our drinking water system, mainly distribution and storage. HAL has been instrumental in making this happen by aiding in master planning and design of facilities.
One noteworthy facility would be the City’s new 4 MG drinking water tank. This tank is triangular due to geographical constraints and took creative engineering and collaboration with multiple agencies to design a vital piece of infrastructure that will benefit the City and our residents.
Trevor Andra, P.E.
Former Assistant City Engineer
City of Bluffdale, Utah
It’s wonderful to work with a partner who shares our passion for helping clients improve their operations, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. Hansen, Allen & Luce’s technical expertise in hydraulic modeling and cutting-edge work in data analytics and performance benchmarking are vital to helping clients understand cost-saving opportunities and to organize around a big-picture energy vision and strategy. On top of their technical expertise, Hansen, Allen & Luce is easy to work with, responsive to requests, and collaborative.
Judy Dorsey, P.E., CEM, LEED-AP
Brendle Group
Fort Collins, Colorado
Cascade Energy continues to work with Hansen, Allen & Luce for several reasons: unmatched technical knowledge in using hydraulic modeling for energy efficiency, culture of the people, and ability to relate to water system operators with varying geographical and operational challenges. Cascade and Hansen, Allen & Luce are continuing to develop a mutually beneficial relationship that will last for years to come.
Jeff Hare
Water/Wastewater Operations Manager
Cascade Energy
Portland, Oregon
The design drawings were excellent, complete, and concise in the illustration of the project requirements. With the project taking place in a residential area, HAL was sensitive to the surrounding neighbors and designed safeguards and protections into the project. … Throughout the project they worked very well with the Contractor and KID Staff, along with the various governmental agencies in meeting their entity standards and requirements.
Board of Trustees
Greg Christensen, Chair
Kearns Improvement District
Kearns, Utah
I wanted to drop a note of appreciation for the excellent service we have received from Steve Jones. … In addition to the energy efficiency expertise, Steve has performed a variety of distribution system water quality simulations using the hydraulic model. Steve has consistently provided attentive and professional services and he certainly helps us do our jobs better. I wasn’t surprised when I learned that Hansen, Allen & Luce received the Governor’s Excellence in Energy Award – Energy Innovator of the Year 2015. Congratulations to your firm and Steve for that well-deserved recognition. Thanks again and we look forward to further successes working with Hansen, Allen & Luce.
Alan Packard, P.E.
Assistant General Manager
Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District
West Jordan, Utah
Hansen, Allen & Luce has been an excellent firm and helped Logan City with many projects. Their work has always been of the utmost quality. One project in particular has helped make Logan City’s water system more efficient to the point of saving over $100,000 per year in energy costs. Their staff has been very prompt in responding to any concerns or questions that we may have.
It has been amazing to see how familiar their staff has become with how our system operates. That familiarity has led to many suggestions and operational recommendations for improvements above and beyond the typical scope of work.
Logan City will not hesitate to do more work with Hansen, Allen & Luce in the future.
Paul Lindhardt, P.E.
Water/Wastewater Division Manager
Logan City Public Works
Logan, Utah
We have found the project planning and design by Hansen, Allen & Luce to be superior to that of other engineering firms. The fact that their plans and specifications are well thought out and detailed allow us as a contractor to assure that our estimate is complete and precise going into a competitive bid. We have found that we can afford ourselves to reduce our contingency on their projects because very little, if anything is left out of their project design. Their approach to design allows for fewer change orders during the project and a more harmonious flow of the job from project award to project close out.
Brent McNicol
Absolute Constructors, Inc.