January 31, 2018
A new report by Bowen Collins & Associates and Hansen, Allen & Luce released today evaluates Utah’s water use data collection program.
The analysis indicates that the State’s program has improved over the years and has resulted in accurate drinking water use estimates. The report recommends improvements to better characterize secondary water use, consider water loss between production and delivery, and focus future efforts on the largest water suppliers.
“The purpose of this report was to have a different set of eyes evaluate what we do, and make recommendations about how we can do better,” said Rachel Shilton, State River Basin Planning Section Manager with the Utah Division of Water Resources, in a press release.
Members of the consulting team presented the results to a legislative subcommittee when the report was released. The report will inform current and future legislation as well as practices for better managing water use and the associated data.
Report: Complete Report | Executive Summary
Press Release: Third Party Review of Utah’s Water Data Gathering & Analysis Released
Deseret News: Independent analysis gives mixed review on Utah’s water data accuracy
Salt Lake Tribune: Utahns may be pouring even more water on their lawns and gardens than previously thought