May 12, 2022
Salem City, Utah, has selected Hansen, Allen & Luce (HAL) and Project Engineering Consultants (PEC) to continue designing the 6.8-mile Salem Canal Connector Trail.
The Salem Canal, which diverts water from the Spanish Fork River, was recently enclosed with a 42-inch pipe. Piping the canal provides an opportunity to overlay the alignment with a regional multi-use trail for commuting and recreation.
The planned trail infrastructure includes a 10-foot-wide asphalt path, trailhead facilities, and a below-grade crossing. The trail will provide a safe alternative for pedestrians and cyclists traveling along Salem Canal Road.
“The trail project benefits all local residents in Payson, Salem, Spanish Fork, and immediate unincorporated areas,” said Greg Thomas, P.E., HAL’s manager for the project. “When complete in the fall of 2023, the trail will extend all the way from Payson to the Spanish Fork River.”
In conjunction with drainage and other improvements along Salem Canal Road, HAL has already designed one phase of the trail which is under construction, and the remaining phases are now entering design.
For renderings and maps of the proposed trail, click here.